Library of Graduate School of Economics
and Faculty of Economics
1st Floor, Faculty of Law and Economics North Bldg.,
Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501
040etsuran#mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace # with @)
About the Library:
Founded in 1904, the Economics Library was initially a part of the Faculty of Law, and held materials related to Economics and Management,
In 1919, the library was separated from the law library when the Faculty of Economics became an independent faculty.
The Library holds 526,696 books and 4,100 periodical titles (2,700 in Japanese and 1,400 in Western languages, as of 2008). There is also an Economic Research Office, which has a collection of statistical materials on postwar economic analysis.
The Library collects not only on all areas of economics and management, but also various informaton materials related to political science, sociology and history. The Economics library is widely used by university affiliates as well as other scholars from both inside and outside Japan.
Collection Size ( As of 2008):
Focus: Management, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, History
Notable Collection(s):
Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects a different romanization system used by an individual institution or collection.
Using the Library
Prior to the Visit: Advance Inquiry and Preparation Required
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