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NCC Outreach Working Group: Modern History

Databases on Modern Japan

Japan Center for Asian Historical Records

An online database for releasing Asian historical records, that are historical documents of Japan concerning modern

Japanese relations with other countries, particularly those in Asia


Japanese Old Photographs in Bakumatsu-Meiji Period (Nagasaki University Library)

Largest collection of old photographs, approximately 7,000 taken all over Japan from teh Bakumatsu through to the Meiji period. 


Mainichi Photobank

Photographs from the end of Meiji-era to the present that are held by Mainichi Shinbun


NDL Rekion Historical Recordings Collection

50,000 sound recordings of music, speeches etc.


NDL Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures

Portrait photographs accompanied by a brief biography of approximately 600 statesmen, government officials, military

officers, businessmen, scholars, and artists who had an impact on building modern Japanese society. 


NDL The Meiji and Taisho Eras in Photographs

Tokyo, Kansai, and Tohoku photographs held by NDL


Shibusawa shashi database 

Shibusawa Eiichi’s corporate history database


Yomiuri Shashinkan 

Digitized photographs taken by Yomiuri and Hochi Newspaper’s journalists


North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
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