The Library of the Japan Foundation
Japanese-Language Institute
5-6-36 Kita-Urawa, Urawa-ku,
Saitama-shi, Saitama, 330-0074
About the Library:
Founded in 1989, the Library of the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute has provided Japanese-language education information materials for language education and research activities.
The library holds 39,200 books, 591 journals, 118 newsletters, 11 newspapers, about 6,670 audio-visual materials, about 760 computer files, about 330 flash-card sets, and 427 microfilms. The library collection focuses particularly on materials about Japanese-language education, including Japanese language study and teaching materials, general linguistics, and Japanese culture and society.
Focus: Japanese-language education, Japanese language study and teaching materials, general linguistics, Japanese culture and society.
Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects different romanization system used by an individual institution.
Using the Library
Open to the Public
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