Click GIF program to learn more about GIF program.
Your library must be a GIF program member to make ILL/DD requests to Japan by using GIF program. Please check if your library is GIF participant.
The following section is to explain how to find resources available only in Japan and how to make successful Interlibrary/Document Delivery (ILL/DD) requests.
CiNii Books, created by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), is a database through which you can search Japanese scholarly journal and book holdings among Japanese academic libraries.
• CiNii Books is one of the largest online catalogs of Japanese research institutions and provides bibliographic information you MUST have for your ILL/DD requests. It also provides the information of the holding libraries which own the books you are looking for.
• NII also provides WebCatPlus, but this version does not provide English interface. We recommend you to use CiNii Books for finding resources for ILL/DD purpose.
Best to search by using Japanese language (Kanji, Katakana or Hiragana). CiNii Books accepts both Modified Hepburn style and Kunrei style Romanizations. However, long vowels are spelled out according to their original reading and you need to activate the "Romaji to Kana" function. It would be easier for you to search in Japanese, not Romanized Japanese. When you use Katakana or Hiragana, divide the words as you romanize such as:
前川国男 コスモスと方法 OR
まえかわ くにお こすもす と ほうほう OR
マエカワ クニオ コスモス ト ホウホウ
Helpline for ILL specialists:
GIF Project Registration:
ILL/DD Co-Chairs:
Toshie Marra :
Peter Bae: