Facility: | Seikado Bunko Library |
Address: |
2-23-1, Okamoto, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-0076 |
Telephone | +81-3-3700-2250 |
FAX: | +81-3-3-3700-2481 |
Hours: | 10:00-12:00, 13:00-16:20 |
Closed: | Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, August, New Year's Holidays |
About the Library:
Seikado was founded by Baron Yanosuke Iwasaki who is the younger brother of Yataro Iwasaki, the second president of Mitsubishi. Later its collection has expanded by Baron Koyata Iwasaki, Yanosuke's son. Seikado Bunko Library holds about 200,000 library materials, which are donated from Baron Yanosuke and Koyata Iwasaki. The collection is devoted to Japanese and Chinese Classics.
Collection Size:
Books: 200,000 volumes
Japanese: 80,000 volumes
Chinese: 120,000 volumes
Notable Collection(s):
Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects different romanization system used by an individual institution.
Using the Library
Prior to the Visit: Advance Inquiry and Preparation Required
Photocopy services are provided in accordance with Japanese copyright laws.
Some of the library materials are not allowed to photocoping due to their condition.
Please consult the library staff for details.
Accessing Rare Materials:
Some of the rare materials are only available on micro-film.
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