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Ritsumeikan University: Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Library (衣笠図書館)


General Information

Facility: Arts & Humanities Library Office of Library Services (Arts & Humanities Library)
Address: 56-1 Toji-in Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8577
Phone: +81-75-465-8189
FAX: +81-75-465-8189
E-mail:  (Please replace # with @)


Facility: Shugakukan Research Library Office of Library Services (Shugakukan);
Address: 56-1 Toji-in Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8577 
Phone: +81-75-465-8248
FAX: +81-75-465-8221
E-mail: (Please replace # with @


Facility: HIARI KAICIRO MEMORIAL LIBRARY Office of Library Services (Kinugasa)  
Address: 56-1 Toji-in Kitamachi, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8577 
Phone: +81-75-465-8217
FAX: +81-75-465-8219
E-mail: (Please replace # with @)

About the Kinugasa Campus Libraries:

There are 3 libraries in the Kinugasa Campus: Arts& Humanities, Shugakukan Research and Hirai Kaichiro. The Ritsumeikan University Library was founded in 1905 as part of the private Kyoto Hosei University. Today the Kinugasa campus libraries holds around 1 million library materials, and 3.5 million books and over 90,000 periodical titles both print and online with all 7 libraries together. In April 2016, new library called Hirai Kaichiro Memorial Library was added to their library facilities.;

Related Link(s)

Resources & Facilities

Summary of Collection(s)

Collection Size (As of March 2018):

  • Books​: 2,109,570 volumes
    • Japanese: 1,583,170 volumes
    • Non-Japanese: 526,400 volumes
  • Journal: 115,898 titles
    • Japanese: 33,608 titles
    • Non-Japanese: 10,857 titles
    • E-Jounals: 71,333 titles

Notable Collection(s): For a list of collection held by Ritsumeikan University, please refer to "Collections" section, which outlines their extensive and various special collections.

Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects different romanization system used by an individual institution.

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How to Use the Facility

Using the Library

Non-affiliates are only allowed to read and copy library materials that were requested in advance.

Prior to the Visit: Advance Inquiry and Preparation Required

  • Please read "Visitors" on their webpage.
  • Please verify the desired material is available by using RUNNERS.
  • Please ask the home institution library to contact them by fax to verify the desired material is available:

      Ritsumeikan University Library
      Office of Library Services (Kinugasa)
      Fax: +81-75-465-8219

  • Letter of Introduction (紹介状 ō) from your home institution library. Please use the following form if the home institution does not have one:
    • A letter of Introduction (Word,  PDF)

Upon Arrival:

  • Please present the letter of Introduction
  • Please present the material survey reply (should be Faxed to your home institution library) from Kinugasa Library.
  • Please present some form of personal ID.

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For all comments and questions about the Guide, please e-mail us:


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