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Librarian Professional Development Working Group (LPDWG): Japanese E-book Collection Development Resources


This page was created to provide relevant information about Japanese e-book collection development.

Over the past few weeks, universities have moved their classes online and libraries have been temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we have seen a dramatic increase in the need to provide access to electronic books and other electronic resources. The Digital Resources Committee (DRC) has been closely working with Japanese vendors in finding solutions to provide access to electronic content. Some vendors have kindly offered a limited trial of their e-book platforms until May 31, 2020. Please contact the DRC Chair if you have any questions.

Approaches to Japanese E-book Collection Development Presentations

Keiko Yokota-Carter (University of Michigan) and Toshie Marra (UC Berkeley) were scheduled to present at the NCC Next Generation Japanese Studies Librarian Workshop on March 16, 2020 in Boston. As we were not able to offer the workshop in person, they have kindly offered to share their PowerPoint presentations as a result of the increased demand for us to familiarize ourselves with and better understand issues related to Japanese e-book collection development.

Japanese E-book Collection Development : Questions and Answers

Keiko and Toshie have kindly offered to answer any questions regarding the above presentations or issues related to Japanese e-book collection development. Instead of using the JpnLibLiaisons listserv, please use the following GoogleSheet to ask any questions and view the answers as they become available: 

The NCC Librarian Professional Development Working Group would like to express its sincerest gratitude for their taking their time to assist everyone with this pressing issue. 

North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
Copyright 2017
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