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Resource Sharing Committee: NDL Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries

Guides to locating and requesting Japanese library resources held elsewhere, including libraries in Japan.

About NDL Digitized Contents Transmission

The Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries (the Service) is provided by the National Diet Library, Japan (NDL) as a means of making digitized versions of out-of-print or otherwise difficult-to-obtain materials available to the general public at public or university libraries that subscribe to the Service.
For an outline of the service, please see the following:

The Service is provided under the provisions of the Copyright Law of Japan as stipulated in Paragraph 3, Article 31 and is operated under the terms of the Agreement on Limited Transmission of Digitized Contents to Libraries by the National Diet Library as compiled by the Stakeholder Council for Digitization and Use of Library Materials, which comprises organizations of copyright holders, publishers, and other interested parties in Japan.

Libraries that wish to subscribe to the Service should submit an application to the NDL for approval. This page introduces the application procedure for librarians.

North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
Copyright 2017
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