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Resource Sharing Committee: 図書館等公衆送信サービス [Public Transmission Service by Libraries or Similar Facilities]

Guides to locating and requesting Japanese library resources held elsewhere, including libraries in Japan.

What is 図書館等公衆送信サービス?

図書館等公衆送信サービス [Public Transmission Service by Libraries or Similar Facilities] is an upcoming new service in Japan that enables eligible Japanese libraries to send a part of their collection materials to registered individual users (NOT libraries) via email in PDF format for a fee.

  • Libraries in Japan that meet certain requirements, such as employee training, are eligible to implement the new system. 
  • Each eligible library in Japan will decide if they want to offer this service to their registered users located outside of Japan.
  • As of April 2024, no library currently offers this service, and it remains unclear how many libraries will provide it in the future.
  • The National Diet Library (NDL) is planning to make this service available globally for their registered individual users once the system development is completed at SARLIB. Please find more info on SARLIB below.
  • The service will NOT include materials that are provided by online e-journals or online database services subscribed to by libraries.
  • Users are required to pay a minimum fee of 500 yen per request to compensate the author or publisher.

Service Usage Fees for 図書館等公衆送信サービス

Participating libraries will charge individual users compensation for each request.

  • The compensation for a book is calculated by dividing its price by the total number of pages and then multiplying by the number of pages being requested and 10. If the result of this calculation is less than 500 yen, the compensation amount will be set at 500 yen.
  • Newspapers and journal articles will be compensated with 500 yen for the initial page, and 100 yen for each subsequent page.
  • For publications other than the ones mentioned above (e.g., books with unknown prices, publications with limited circulation, scripts, overseas publications), a charge of 100 yen per page will be levied. If the compensation amount for a book application is less than 500 yen, it will be raised to 500 yen.
  • In addition to compensation, each library may choose to impose additional fees.
  • Compensation amount will be reviewed every three years.

Resources for 図書館等公衆送信サービス (available in Japanese only)

  • SARLIB Website
    • SARLIBSociety for Administration of Remuneration for Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities
    • SARLIB(サーリブ)とは図書館等公衆送信補償金制度に対応して、補償金の徴収・分配を行う団体。[SARLIB is a Japanese organization that collects and distributes compensation in response to the Compensation System for Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities.]

  • 図書館等における複製及び公衆送信ガイドライン (図書館等公衆送信サービスに関する関係者協議会)

[Guidelines for Reproduction and Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities (Stakeholder Council on Public Transmission Service by Libraries or Similar Facilities)]

  • 図書館等公衆送信補償金規程 (一般社団法人図書館等公衆送信補償金管理協会)

[Regulations on Compensation for Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities (Association of Compensation Management for Public Transmission by Libraries or Similar Facilities)]

  • 早わかり図書館等公衆送信サービス(日本図書館協会)

[Quick Reference for Public Transmission Service by Libraries or Similar Facilities (Japan Library Association)]

  • 図書館に向けた図書館等公衆送信サービス説明会(1回目)質疑応答概要(説明会開催日:2022930日)

[Briefing on Public Transmission Service by Libraries or Similar Facilities (1st session) Q&A Summary (Date of Briefing: September 30, 2022)]

  • 図書館に向けた図書館等公衆送信サービス説明会(2回目)質疑応答概要(説明会開催日:20221018日)

[Briefing on Public Transmission Service by Libraries or Similar Facilities (2nd session) Q&A Summary (Date of Briefing: October 18, 2022)]

North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
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