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Multi-Volume Sets Project (MVS) ARCHIVE: MVS Grant Application

A freely circulating collection of Japanese resources held in over 35 institutions nationally. Containing near 42,000 items in all fields of Japanese studies. Principally funded by the Japan-US Friendship Commission.

MVS Grant Application

Please use the downloadable online template to submit titles for MVS grant applications. Please send it with ALL required supporting documents (in one PDF, in the following order shown below) by email attachment to: by January 11, 2013.  

Template for Submitting Titles for NCC 2012-13 MVS Grant Application is available here.

A confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours.

Required supporting documents are the following:

(a).  A narrative of a maximum of two-pages which makes reference to: the strength of the institution's collection; its ability to catalog materials promptly and fully into a national database; the potential use of materials by local faculty and students and by the national scholarly community; justification of the value of the requested title to the national body of Japanese resources; university or other institutional support for the Japanese collection (if support for the purchase of a partial set is requested, plans to purchase the remaining portion should be outlined); and confirmation that the materials will circulate freely to any user inside the US through interlibrary loan.

(b). Brochures or other printed information as well as relevant supporting communication from the publisher and/or vendor, if available.

(c).  Supporting letters (PDF File only):               

  • Ultimately, the strength of faculty support letters that fully address the teaching and research needs for the sets are often the deciding factor in whether a request is funded or not. 
  • Letters from relevant officers, such as the heads of the cataloging unit, collection development budget division, and interlibrary loan services, are critical to a successful application. 
  • Evidence of resource sharing will also greatly enhance an application. Letters of support from faculty at nearby institutions that will make use of the requested materials are strongly encouraged. Also please note your institution's participation in regional or statewide consortia that further facilitate access to MVS and other materials within your collection.

(d).    An electronic copy of the print-out from a search of the national databases, print and electronic, of possible holdings at other institutions must be submitted as evidence that the set is not previously held in the U.S. Applicants should also ascertain the availability or unavailability of currently held items through normal interlibrary borrowing procedures.

(e).    If applying for digital materials: Must include a copy of the licensing agreement showing the vendor’s permission for the materials to freely circulate through interlibrary loan.

(f).    If applying for second-hand materials: Application must be accompanied by a letter from the vendor promising to hold materials pending the MVS grant decision and affirming that the material are in a condition sufficient to allow their full circulation through interlibrary loan.

North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
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