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Multi-Volume Sets Project (MVS) ARCHIVE: Checklist of Application Criteria

A freely circulating collection of Japanese resources held in over 35 institutions nationally. Containing near 42,000 items in all fields of Japanese studies. Principally funded by the Japan-US Friendship Commission.

Checklist of MVS Application Criteria

  • Titles proposed by institutions with annual Japanese language acquisitions budgets of less than $10,000 will qualify for 80% funding of the purchase price. Shipping and handling costs are fully covered by Japan Publications Trading Company, Ltd., MVS’s co-funder and project manager in Japan.
  • Titles proposed by all other institutions will qualify for 75% funding of the purchase price if NO CIRCULATING COPY of the title is available in the US.
  • Funding assistance will be considered at the 50% level for titles of which no more than one circulating copy exists in the US, providing that sufficient funds are available.
  • Fully-published sections of very large sets not yet published in their entirety will be considered for funding at the 50% level so long as the applicant makes a commitment to purchase the rest of entire sections with or without MVS support.
  • The final decision about grants is at the discretion of the MVS Committee based on a number of factors, including the number of applications received, the total cost of titles to be supported, and the characteristics of the institutions applying.

North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
Copyright 2017
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