National Museum of Japanese History Library
Att: Information Service Center,
117 Jonai-cho, Sakura, Chiba 285-8502
+81-43-486-0123 (Switchboard)
Museum Visitors Library: kokusai-e#ml.rekihaku.ac.jp
Research Library: tosyo#ml.rekihaku.ac.jp
(Please replace # with @),
Museum Visitors Library: 9:30-17:00,
October-Feburary: 9:30-16:30
Research Library: 9:00-17:00
Museum Visitors Library: When the facility is closed
Research Library: Saturday, Sunday,
National Holidays,New Years (12/28-1/4)
About the Library:
Rekihaku's library is divided into two sections: the Museum Visitors Library and the Research Library. The Museum Visitors Library holds approximately 9,200 items, including historical dictionaries and general histories, as well as large-format art books and exhibition-specific references. The Research Library is used for academic research and is not open to the public. It holds about 350,000 books, 6,500 periodical titles, 170 titles in microfilm related to history, archeology, and ethnology of Japan and the neighboring countries such as China and Korea.
Collection Size: As of 2011
Focus: History, Ethnology, Anthropology, Local History from Different Regions, Excavation Survey Report Museum Exhibition Catalogs
Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects a different romanization system used by an individual institution or collection
Using the Museum Visitors Library
Prior to the Visit: No Advance Inquiry and Preparation Required
Using the Research Library
Prior to the Visit: Advance Inquiry and Preparation Required285-8502 千葉県佐倉市城内町117
国立歴史民俗博物館 研究協力課 図書係
FAX: +81-43-486-4080
Email address: tosyo#ml.rekihaku.ac.jp (Please replace # with @)
Upon Arrival:
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