Facility: | The Museum Archaeological Institute of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture |
Address: | 50-2 Unebi-cho, Kashihara Nara 634-0065 |
Phone: | +81-744 24-1185 |
FAX: | +81-744-240-1355 |
Hours: | 9:00-17:00 (last entry 16:30) |
Closed: | Monday, New Year's Holidays |
About the museum:
This museum was opened 1940 to exhibit artifacts excavated from sites in Nara Prefecture and educate the general public about the ancient Yamato culture and its importance in Japanese history. Three exhibit rooms contain artifacts from the prehistoric to the medieval periods.
Kengoshizuka kofun shutsudohin (牽牛子塚古墳出土品): materials excavated from Kengoshizuka tomb, located in Asuka, Nara Prefecutre, important cultural property
Visiting the Museum
Admission to a permanent exhibition is free for foreign tourists. Please show a passport.
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