About Ochanomizu University:
Founded in 1875 as a teacher training institute for women, Ochanomizu University (お茶の水女子大学 Ochanomizu joshi daigaku, お茶大 Ochadai or お茶女 Ochajo) is one of only two national women's universities in Japan. Since achieving university status in 1949, the university has been committed to excellence in many fields and has achieved recognition in all areas of Japanese society through the success of its graduates.
Ochanomizu University encourages initiative, creativity and intelligence. The university has a low student-to-faculty ratio and through this intimate learning environment to achieve consistently high standards.
In addition, the university’s prosperous international student program attracts exchange students of particularly high ability and forms a vital part of university life. As part of the international student program, students will be offered the opportunity to learn and conduct research in the student’s selected field.
Ochanomizu University is centrally situated on a peaceful campus. The university has 3 faculties: Letters and Education, Science, and Human Life and Environmental Sciences.
Ochanomizu University
National University
Bunkyo Tokyo