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Hosei University: The Nogami Memorial Noh Theatre Research Institute of Hosei University (野上記念法政大学能楽研究所)


General Information

The Nogami Memorial Noh Theatre Research Institute of Hōsei University 
Boissonade Tower, 2-17-1 Fujimi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 102-8126
Tue, Thurs, Fri: 9:30-11:30, 2:30-16:30
National Holiday, Semester Break, New Years, the Entrance Exam Period

About the Facility:

Founded in 1952, the Nogami Memorial Noh Theatre Research Institute of Hosei University was named after Dr. Nogami Toyoichirō (1883–1950), a former President of the university known for his research works on Noh theater. It is also the only institution dedicated exclusively to Noh related research in Japan.

Since the establishment, the Institution has researched and collected material related to noh theatre, mainly in the form of old documents found all over Japan. Today, the facility stores over 40,000 items, including rare and extremely valuable manuscripts dating from the Muromachi and the Edo periods as well as books and magazines printed from the Meiji period to the present.

Resources & Facilities

Summary of Collection(s)

Notable Collection(s):

Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects different romanization system used by an individual institution.


Digital Collection(s)

How to Use the Facility

Using the Library

Prior to the Visit:

  • Letter of Introduction (紹介状 Shōkaijō) from your home institution library. Please use the following form if the home institution does not have one:
    • A letter of Introduction (Word,  PDF)
  • Library materials request form (図書閲覧願 Tosho etsuran negai ) from your home institution. Please use the following form if the home institution does not have one:
    • Library Materials Request Form (Word,  PDF)

  • Photocopy services are provided in accordance with Japanese copyright laws.
  • Some materials cannot be copied.  Please ask the facility staff.

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