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Cooperative Collection Development Working Group: Home

Strengthening North American cooperation in collection development

Purpose / Mission

To strengthen local and regional cooperative collection development, to help maintain comprehensive North American holdings, and to better enable institutions to refine their local collections.


Keiko Hill
University of Washington Libraries
University of Maryland Libraries
The Gordon W. Prange Collection
University of California, Berkeley
UC System
University of Oregon
Library of Congress






Open Access Resources

We invite you to participate in increasing Japanese Open Access journals and monographs.

We collaborate with the Electronic Resources Database-Japan (ERDB-JP) of the National Institute of Informatics, Japan, by contributing the Open Access information to ERDB-JP to enhance discoverability of Japanese academic resources.


Scope of Contents

The title information of either of the following e-resources can be registered:

·E-journals and e-books whose main language is Japanese; or

·E-journals and e-books whose editorial office or publisher is based in Japan

Metadata in ERDB-JP will be uploaded to the Community Zone (Freely Accessible Japanese Titles) in Alma, then accessed to the local library catalog by activation. Or it will be used in the format of KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools).


ERDB-JP is a searchable database of OA resources. 

This is also a pilot project to introduce ERDB-JP for you and your institution. We encourage you to discuss your own institution unit of Electronic Resource Access to register as a partner institution for ERDB-JP, and recommend OA resources in Japanese Studies to be included in ERDB-JP.

Please contact Keiko Hill for questions about this survey (khill5[at]

Keiko Hill  (Japanese Cataloging Librarian/East Asian Serials and E-Resources Cataloging Librarian at UW)

Notable Collections of Japanese collection

Notable Japanese Collection in North America

The purpose of this project is the ongoing development of a comprehensive list of notable Japanese Studies collections held in North American libraries and academic institutions, including print materials, collections that are accessible electronically, and unprocessed or partially processed collections. The list is based on submissions by universities and academic institutions in North America.

New survey entries to the list will continue to be accepted indefinitely

You can also view and analyze the collections list using this website

Please contact Kevin McDowell for questions about this survey.  kevinmc  (at) uoregon (dott)  edu


Purpose / Mission & Projects Under Consideration

The NCC Cooperative Collection Development Working Group helps coordinate preservation and acquisition of Japanese newspapers throughout academic institutions of North America. By coordinating efforts nationally, libraries avoid duplication of work while saving time and resources and ensuring the availability of scholarly materials.
The working group determined that although Japanese institutions are also collecting and archiving Japanese newspapers, access to them cannot always be guaranteed. The lengthy suspension of services from sources in Japan following the earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear power plant disasters of March, 2011, highlighted the need to ensure that copies of these materials are available from outside Japan.
The group is currently deciding which institutions will collect which newspapers. Resources will be shared by offering a copy of the item requested via ILL.

Identifying the strong subject areas of each Japanese collection in North America and coordinating access to them is another project of CCWG.

The purpose of this project is to 1) understand the core/non-core subject areas existing in North America; 2) avoid unnecessary duplicates and start focusing on under-collected subjects; 3) use limited budgets more efficiently by sharing resources through cooperative collection development in North America.
Future Project
Journal collaborative collection development will begin when we have established best-practices for our Newspaper Preservation Project.

North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources
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