NCC One-day Workshop: Technologies for librarians in the Japanese Studies
Date: March 25, 2014
Place: Class of 1955 Conference Room, University of Pennsylvania, Van Pelt Library
Note: Bring your devices; smart phones, tablets, laptops
9:00-9:10 am Welcoming Remarks by Martha Brogan, Associate Librarian for Collections Development and Management, University of Pennsylvania, and Kuniko Yamada McVey, NCC Chair and Japanese Studies Librarian Harvard-Yenching Library
9:10-10:30 am Data Science & Librarians, Linked data; Mariko Honshuku, Harvard Law School
10:30-10:50 am Coffee break
10:50-11:30 am Apps for Japanese Studies; Molly Des Jardin, University of Pennsylvania
11:30-Noon Q & A & practice with your devices
Noon-1:30 pm Lunch (XXX Room), JapanKnowledge demonstration, Class of 1955 Conference Room (concurrently)
1:30-2:00 pm NDL updates; Sayaka Okumura, National Diet Library of Japan
2:00-3:00 pm Panel discussion with NDL librarians
3:00-3:30 pm Informal discussion on technologies, an opportunity for everyone to share and learn
3:30-4:00 pm wrap-up session to identify issues to focus on for the future, tell us what you need!
Please note that food and drink are not allowed in the Class of 1955 Conference Room
If you are traveling from the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown hotel on public transportation, the Van Pelt Library is 3 stops away on the SEPTA train (Market-Frankford Line), a short trip of around 12 minutes. You may also take the Trolley lines #10, 13, 34, or 36 from the 13th Street Trolley Station, a 15 minute trip. Directions can be found on Google Maps:
Parking information is available on the following map: Parking Map
The library is near the center of campus, with public parking within walking distance.
Guide by Molly Des Jardin, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, on a variety of paid and free apps for use on mobile devices, to assist in doing research in Japanese as well as learning the Japanese language.
Presentation slides: