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National Art Center, Tokyo: Art Library (アートライブラリー)


General Information

Art Library
7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8858


About the Library:

The National Art Center, Tokyo Art Library mainly collects and provides information related to art. It includes a post-World War II Japanese art exhibition catalog collection. Currently, the Library holds about 50,000 books, 110,000 exhibition catalogs and 3,000 periodical titles.

Related Link(s)

Summary of Collection(s)

Collection Size: (as of March 2023)

  • Books: 49,525 volumes
    • Japanese: 38,103 volumes
    • Foreign Language: 11,422 volumes
  • Periodicals: 3,242 periodical titles
    • Japanese: 2,815 titles
    • Foreign Language: 427 titles
  • Exhibition Catalogs: 115,986 items
    • Japanese: 101,479 items
    • Foreign Languages: 14,507 items

Notable Collection(s):

  • Post-World War II Japanese exhibition catalogs (100,000 items)
  • ANZAÏ Photo Archive: various contemporary art images taken by Anzai Shigeo ( 安齊重男), art documentary specialist.

Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects a different romanization system used by an individual institution or collection.

Search Tools


How to Use the Facility

Using the Library

Open to the Public

Notes on Use
Photocopy Services


On the third floor of the museum

Floor Guide/Maps
Art Library Floor Map


Accessing Reserved Materials

Prior reservation is required to see the materials that require the utmost care in handling from the viewpoint of material preservation, and microfilms and microfiches.
Advance Appointment Service

Accessing Special Materials

Accessing ANZAÏフォトアーカイブ (ANZAÏ Photo Archive) requires the following procedure:

  • Please fill out the Application for Special Materials (Application form [DOC] / [PDF]).
  • Please send the form at least 2 weeks prior to the visit to the following address:
  • Please list 2 desired appointment dates.
  • Up to 20 items may be accessed. Please include 管理番号 (Admin. No.) on the second page of the form. Please specify the control numbers on the following list page: 写真リスト [in Japanese]

Note: If you are interested in further special materials except ANZAÏ Photo Archive, please contact us at

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