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Kyushu National Museum: Museum (博物館)


General Information

Kyushu National Museum
4-7-2 Ishizaka, Dazaifu-shi,
Fukuoka 818-0118
+81-50-5542-8600 (NTT Hello Dial)
9:30-17:00 (please enter by 16:30)
Monday (Tuesday if Monday is a holiday), Holidays

About Kyushu National Museum:

Kyushu National Museum opened on October 16, 2005 in Dazaifu near Fukuoka city. The musem mainly collects objects highly relevant to the cultural exchanges between Japan and its Asian counterparts. Examples include artworks, as well as archaeological, historical, and ethnographic materials. 

Exhibition Information

Summary of Collection(s)

Collection size: As of March 31, 2018

Total Collection size: 878 items including

  • 3 National Treasures
  • 39 Important Cultural Properties

Entrusted objects: 934 items including

  • 2 National Treasures
  • 12 Important Cultural Properties

Focus: History, Ancient Tombs, Chinese and Korean art, Archeology, Ceramics

Notable Collection(s):

  • Miyajidake Ancient Tomb and Asia: Objects found in an ancient tomb (said to belong to the Munakata clan, a local ruling family) with a cave chamber located in Fukutsu city, Fukuoka, national treasures seemingly either influenced or from the Korean Peninsula, China and West Asia.
  • Jōmon (縄文) Culture: Ocean-Bound: The Jomon period ware, beads for accessories and bone hair sticks, clay dolls for incantation from the Paleolithic era
  • Political Power: Cultivating Rice: Bronze ware (including Mirrors), Pottery, Clay and Stone figures, Replicas and photos of ancient tombs (古墳 Kofun) culture in North and Middle Kyushu
  • Nation Building: The Age of the Envoys: Buddhist sculpture, painting, bells from China, Vietnam, and Indonesia, cargo replica of the Japanese envoy to China in the Tang Dynasty
  • Merchants of the Asian Seas:  Asian ceramics and lacquer ware (from China, Korea, Ryuku and Japan)
  • Smaller World, Closer West: Ceramics (Tanakamaru collection) and paintings from the Edo period 

Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects a different romanization system used by an individual institution or collection.

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How to Use the Facility

Visiting the Museum


  • Adults:420 (210)yen
  • College Students: 130 (70)yen

Note: () indicates admission fee for a group (over 20 people)

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