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Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library: Library (図書室)


General Information

Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library

2-9 Kanda  Surugadai Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062 


Modern Women's Magazines Library 10:00-17:00 (enter by16:30)
Seikido library: Friday and Saturday 9:30-17:00 
Modern Women's Magazines Library:  Thursday, Sunday, first Monday of the month,
National Holidays, New Year's Holidays, Maintenance period


About the Library:

The Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library (石川武美記念図書館) dates back in 1947 when Ishikawa founded "Ochanomizu Library (お茶の水図書館)," a private library for women, hoping to help them advance and create better lives for their families. In October 2003, the library focused it specialization on women's magazines, 古典籍 (classical documents), and 古文書 (ancient records), and became open to both women and men.  On April 1, 2013, the library was renamed "Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library" when the foundation became a Generally Incorporated Foundation.

Currently, the library consists of two departments: "近代女性雑誌ライブラリー (modern women's magazines library)" and the "Seikidō library (成簣堂文庫)," which is consisting of the Seikidō (成簣堂), Chikuhakuen (竹柏園) and Mutō (武藤) collections. 

Parent Institution

Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library
General Incorporated Foundation

The Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library (一般財団法人石川武美記念図書館) was founded in 1941 by Ishikawa Takeyoshi (石川武美), one of the founders of Shufu no tomo Co.,Ltd.  (Before its official name change in 2013 this library was known colloquially to many as the Shufu no Tomo Library)

Besides, the operation of the library, the foundation's activities range widely from holding lectures and workshops both inside and outside of Japan, presenting the Yamamoto Yūzō (山本有三) memorial literary award and the local culture award, to creating a database and search tool for the women's magazine "Shufu no tomo (主婦之友)"  published since the Taisho era. 

The Library's Modern Women's Magazines Library is one of the best collections of Women's magazines in Japan.

Related Link(s)

Summary of Collection(s)

Collection Size:


  • Periodicals: 
    • Japanese: about 1,300 periodical titles
    • Western: about 30 periodical titles


  • Books: about  100,000 volumes


近代女性雑誌ライブラリー: Women, Life, Practical Applications

成簣堂文庫: History, Buddhism, China, Korea, Japanese Literature, Poetry

Notable Collection(s)

  • 成簣堂文庫: Classical Documents and Ancients Records collected by Tokutomi Sohō (徳富蘇峰) (100,000 volumes).
    • Classical Documents: 国書 (books and documents translated inti Japanese), 漢籍 (Chinese Classics) and 仏書 (Buddhist scriptures) dating from the Nara and Heian periods to the Edo period.
    • Ancient Records: (大乗院 Daijōin)  Records from Heian period to the early the modern period, 武家文書 (Samurai records), 寺社文書 (Temple records),  (幕末維新 Bakumatsu ishin) related documents from the middle ages to the early modern period.
  • 竹柏園本: Originally owned by Sasaki Nobutsuna (佐佐木信綱), a Japanese classical scholar and a poet from the Meiji period to the Showa period (660 titles 2,000 volumes).  Manyōshu (万葉集) related materials from the Heian period to the Edo period are available including 西本願寺本万葉集, the oldest manuscripts to complete the whole volume among the existing Manyōshu (20 titles).
  • 武藤本: a Japanese literary scholar whose interpretation of Makura no sōshi (the Pillow Book) influenced other scholars. The collection includes of Japanese and Chinese classics (2,000 volumes).

Note: The Guide uses the ALA/LC standard romanization, however, it also reflects different romanization system used by an individual institution.

Online Resource(s)



JR line Ochanomizu station (御茶ノ水駅):

  • On foot: About 5 min.

How to Use the Facility

Visiting the Library

Accessing The Modern Women's Magazines Library:

Prior to the Visit: No Advance Inquiry and Preparation Required 

Upon Arrival:

  • Admission Fee: 300 yen


  • Photocopy services are provided in accordance with Japanese copyright laws.
  • You can make one copy of one library item (as a general rule, up to half of the material may be copied).
  • Copy Fee:
    • Black: 50 yen
    • Color: 120 yen

Borrowing: Books only (except dictionaries and damaged library materials)

  • 5 books for 5 days
  • Please present some form of personal ID.


Accessing Seikido Bunko:

Prior to the Visit: Advance Inquiry Required.  Please refer to"成簣堂文庫のご案内"

  • Please fill out 閲覧申請書 (PDF)
  • The form should include:
    • 名前 (Name) 
    • ご住所 (mailing address)
    • ご連絡先 (contact information): phone number, FAX, e-mail
    • ご所属 (Affiliation)
    • 閲覧希望資料名 (desired materials)
    • 閲覧希望資料の出典(name of the catalog which you found the materials): Please see "
    • 所蔵目録の紹介" on (Note: these catalogs may be hard to find outside of Japan).
    • 閲覧の目的 (purpose of your visit):  such as your research topic
    • 閲覧希望日時 (date(s) you wish to visit): Please list three.
  • Send it to: Ishikawa TakeYoshi Memorial Library
    2-9 Kanda Surugadai Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062

Upon Arrival:

  • Admission Fee: Please ask the Library

Photocopy: N/A

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