NCC Annual Open Meeting
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
Thursday, March 21, 2019, 12:45pm
Welcome, Introductions
Reports from Committees, Working Groups, Task Forces:
Cooperative Collection Development Working Group (CCDWG)
Digital Resources Committee (DRC)
Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery (ILL/DD) Committee
Image Use Protocol Working Group (IUP) Working Group
Library Professional Development Working Group (LPDWG)
NCC Japan Art Catalog Project (JAC)
Principal funding for 2018-19 has been provided by the Japan-US Friendship Commission (JUSFC) and Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO).
Individual contributions have also been made by donors to NCC's Annual Appeal, and by the extensive in-kind contributions of the many librarians and faculty who volunteer their time and talents to make all NCC programs and services possible. Thank you!